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The abortion business has been very good to Dr. Edward C. Allred.


In 1969, Allred, along with Kenneth L. Wright, founded Family Planning Associates (FPA), a medical group specializing in abortion. Before Roe v. Wade made it legal in all states, the legality of abortion differed from state to state. In California, abortion became legal in 1967. Women seeking an abortion flowed into California from states where killing an unborn child was still considered a crime — making abortion a lucrative business for those willing to take the lives of the unborn.


By the time Allred retired in 2005 and sold FPA to Dr. Irving Feldkamp III, FPA had grown to be California’s leading abortion provider. By 1980, Allred’s FPA had grown to 12 clinics. At that time he boasted that FPA was aborting 60,000 babies a year. Allred and his associates streamlined the process down to a meager five minutes per abortion. As last reported in 2002, the number of FPA clinics had grown to 25, making it the leading provider of abortions in California — with $70 million in annual revenues and a net yearly profit of $5 million.


And that was 10 years ago. Family Planning Associates only real competition today comes from Planned Parenthood, which cranked out 329,455 abortions in 2010 alone.


In a 1980 interview with the San Diego Union, Allred spoke freely of what motivates him. At that time he claimed to have personally aborted 250,000 babies in the previous 12 years.


“Population control is too important to be stopped by some right-wing pro-life types,” the newspaper quoted Allred as saying. “Take the new influx of Hispanic immigrants. Their lack of respect of democracy and social order is frightening. I hope I can do something to stem that tide; I’d set up a clinic in Mexico for free if I could. Maybe one in Calexico would help. The survival of our society could be at stake… The Aid to Families With Dependent Children program is the worst boondoggle ever created. When a sullen black woman can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us it’s time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles having babies for welfare is the only industry the people have.”


According to the Planned Parenthood-affiliated think tank, the Guttmacher Institute, black women are greater than 4.8 times more likely to have an abortion than non-Hispanic white women, and Hispanic women are 2.7 times more likely. This translates into a “war on children” — a war on children who are poor, black or Hispanic.


There is plenty of reason to see Allred’s work as a “war on women” as well. Just a few of the known cases in which a woman has died as a result of his handiwork include Patricia Chacon, a 16-year-old Hispanic girl; Denise Holmes, a 24-year-old Caucasian woman; and Mary Pena, a 43-year-old Hispanic woman. There is a long history of malpractice suits against Family Planning Associates for botched abortions, 76 civil cases in Los Angeles County Superior Court alone. Many of these women were left with serious and permanent damage.


One such survivor of an abortion allegedly botched by Allred is Gianna Jessen. Her case came to light when she gave testimony as someone who survived a failed abortion attempt in the trial of William Waddill, a California abortionist who was accused of strangling another baby who survived a failed abortion. Gianna was burned alive for 18 hours during a failed third-trimester saline abortion allegedly performed by Allred. But she survived (Allred is listed as the doctor who delivered her at a Los Angeles abortion clinic on Gianna’s birth certificate). Today, Gianna lives with the after effects of her attempted murder in the womb and has become a prominent spokeswoman in the pro-life movement.


Allred’s views and livelihood have been a source of embarrassment for the politicians he has supported and donated to, which include anti-abortion Republicans but also include “pro-choice” Republicans. Allred sees no contradiction between supporting pro-life Republicans and his practice of abortion. He is reported to have given over $400,000 to the Republican Party, maybe even more. Some of the Republicans he has donated to in the past include Pete Wilson, Dana Rohrabacher, Matt Fong, John Lewis, Ross Johnson, Curt Pringle and Scott Baugh. In contrast, Bob Dornan refused to accept any money from Allred and has described him as a “baby killer.”


Even though Allred has said he is against unnecessary government spending, he approves of and encourages the use of public funding for abortion. To this day, FPA makes sure all potential customers are aware that they can use MediCal to pay for abortion. They can apply for it and use it on the very same day they get their abortion.


Allred is now very rich, retired and still involved in his horseracing interest. He has a herd of 500 quarter horses and is the nation’s largest breeder and racer of such horses. In 2010 he resigned as president of Los Alamitos Race Course and moved out of California. He is still on the track’s board of directors, however, and apparently still owns a controlling interest in the Race Course, as he has since 1998.

The above is part of a series published on between 2011 and 2012.

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