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In mid-September, when a congressional subcommittee announced it was launching an investigation of Planned Parenthood, among the first to jump to the defense of the nation’s largest killing-by- abortion business was Rep. Henry Waxman of California.


Waxman called the probe by the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations “sweeping and invasive,” accusing the subcommittee’s chairman of smearing and harassing Planned Parenthood and called for the subcommittee to call off its probe.


“Planned Parenthood,” said Waxman, “deserves our support for its important and life-saving work.”


Waxman omitted the fact that there are currently two prominent federal False Claim Act cases (in Texas and California) against Planned Parenthood, brought by former employees who have claimed evidence of major fraud.


Nor did Waxman mention that just a few years ago, when the Democrats controlled the House and he led the Subcommittee on Investigations, Waxman had no qualms about using the subcommittee as a powerful political weapon. He appointed his hard-line chief of staff Phil Shiliro to orchestrate the investigations. Schiliro was later named a special advisor to President Obama, an essential connection between the White House and the powerful congressman that led to the passage of “Obamacare.”


During the 37 years Waxman has represented his Southern California district — which includes Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, West Hollywood and western Los Angeles — Waxman has prided himself as a champion of legalized abortion and is recognized as the most prominent abortion leader in Congress.


The 72-year-old Democrat’s voting record is rated as 100% by NARAL Pro-Choice America (formerly called the National Abortion Rights Action League) and by Planned Parenthood.


He voted against excluding abortions from Obamacare, against banning partial-birth abortion, against making it a crime to transport a minor across state lines to obtain an illegal abortion, and against making it a crime to harm a fetus in the commission of another crime. And he has supported measures to permit use of taxpayer funds to export abortion overseas.


Waxman’s pro-abortion views date back to his earliest days in politics. While at UCLA, Waxman met Howard Berman, who now also is a member of Congress. Together they took over the Young Democrats Club and formed the Los Angeles County Young Democrats. In the late 1960s, Waxman and Berman forged a political machine referred to as the “Westside Boys” that would eventually take control of California elections and mandate that all Democratic Party candidates be pro-abortion or lose support. Candidates who wanted Waxman’s machine to get them selected had to first be fully vetted by Waxman. He made certain that each candidate would be hardcore on his favorite issues, especially abortion.


A 1994 Los Angeles Times story quoted Sheila Kuehl, an aspiring Democratic candidate and militant abortion advocate who would become California’s first openly lesbian California legislator. With Waxman’s help, Kuehl rose to become President Pro Tem of the California Senate. This is what the Times reported: ”It was like presenting yourself for consideration,” said Kuehl, who left the meeting empty-handed. “It’s a good thing I had watched all the ‘Godfather’ films.” The ‘Godfather’ analogy is apt: For more than two decades, the key to winning Westside legislative seats has been support from the Berman-Waxman group.


In October 2009, the Democratic Socialists of America, an organization that bills itself as the “largest socialist organization in the United States and principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International,” announced that Waxman was among 70 sitting members of Congress who belonged to their caucus.


Other causes supported by Waxman include “gay rights,” the legalization of marijuana, and “separation of church and state.”


For his support of abortion on demand with no restrictions of any kind — and forcing taxpayers to reimburse abortion providers — and for making pro-abortion views a litmus test for aspiring Democrats in California, Waxman has earned the reputation as the most dominant strategist and one of the most relentless, forceful leaders of the American Abortion Holocaust.

The above is part of a series published on between 2011 and 2012.

© 2020 Center for the Documentation of the American Holocaust

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