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Dr. Irving Feldkamp III, 67, a San Bernardino dentist and second owner of the California/Chicago abortion chain, Family Planning Associates (FPA), is in an incredible position. Overnight, he could close all of his 22 abortion mills and stop the massive slaughter of unborn infants.


In 2005, Dr. Edward Allred, an abortionist and original owner of FPA, retired and sold the entire business the following year to Feldkamp. His son, Dr. Irving Feldkamp IV, 34, graduated from Loma Linda Medical School in 2004 as a general practitioner, and is now listed with the California Secretary of State as the “agent for service of process” for FPA. It is unknown if the younger Feldkamp does abortions there, but his official address with the California Medical Board is the same as that of the Downey FPA, where both surgical and non-surgical abortions are performed. The younger Feldkamp has no specialty credential with the American Board of Medical Specialists.


Allred was also a Loma Linda graduate. He owns the Los Alamitos Race Course for racing horses and the Rolling A Ranch in Atascadero. In 1980, Allred boasted that he made $12 million that year doing assembly-line abortions.


FPA owner Feldkamp also owns a chain of dental offices and is co-owner of the sprawling Lostine River Ranch on the edge of the Eagle Cap Wilderness near the town of Lostine, Oregon. He also owns and runs the Glen Helen Raceway, a dirt track for motorcycle racing in the San Bernardino area. Felkamp and his wife live in a luxurious 7,835 square foot, six-bedroom, 5.5-bathroom home in Redlands.


While FPA does not reveal the identities of the abortionists who work or once worked at their sites, some are known. Dr. Robert Santella works at the FPA in San Diego. He has been disciplined twice by the California Medical Board and placed on repeated probation. Dr. Kenneth L. Wright, 77, is the abortionist at FPA in Fresno and often travels the chain. Dr. Jack Dym, 74, is at the Mission Hills FPA. Bernard Weiss, M.D., 79, works at FPA in Los Angeles. Dr. Thomas L. Grubbs was in his late 70s and still doing abortions when he died. Dr. Ruben Marmet, 73, and Dr. Lawrence Hansen, 86, are also FPA abortionists. Dr. Hansen was recently disciplined by the state Medical Board for gross negligence in the death of Maria Garcia on whom he performed plastic surgery.


FPA — both under Allred and Feldkamp — has a history of significant medical malpractice cases. The Los Angeles County Superior Court alone lists a total of 76 civil cases, including medical malpractice.


In July 2010, the mother of a minor, Alexandria Kiser, filed a lawsuit against FPA. According to court records, Alexandria went to FPA for an abortion of her child at about 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. She claimed that FPA doctors did a “successful” D&C on her, but, according to her civil complaint (Case BC4421310): “the following day, Alexandria started cramping and contracting. She proceeded to sit on the toilet at her home and the fetus was expelled into the toilet. (She) saw the fetus coming out and screamed… pulled the fetus including the head and fetal structures from the neck down which were distorted out of the toilet.” Both Alexandria and the fetus were taken to a local hospital. The lawsuit alleges that Alexandria “suffered severe, debilitating and permanent emotional injuries.”


Another recent medical malpractice lawsuit against FPA is Los Angeles Superior Court case SC104780. Tadrauna Palmore, a young woman, went to FPA on June 21, 2008 for an abortion. After the abortion, FPA received a pathology report that the abortion was not “successful” and that there was a perforation of Tadruana Palmore’s uterus. FPA allegedly did not disclose this to Palmore. About three weeks later she was rushed to the ER, where she was told that she was still pregnant. She opted to keep the baby. The hospital doctors told her to demand a copy of FPA’s pathology report, which she did, but they allegedly refused to provide it. By September 2008, Tadruana was vomiting blood and was again taken to the ER, where she was told she was hemorrhaging — and the baby had died. An emergency hysterectomy was done. At the age of 24 she was sterile. She sued FPA, Dr. Bernard Weiss and Dr. Jack Dym. The case was recently settled for an undisclosed amount.


Stacey Espinoza was 22 weeks pregnant when she went to FPA in Long Beach for prenatal assistance. She was told that she had placenta previa, a rare obstetric complication involving the placenta, and that she could die. She was advised to have an abortion. During the abortion, her uterus was ruptured and Stacey required emergency surgery.


Anush Tagvoryan, a 37-year-old, morbidly obese mother of two who had six prior abortions went to the Glendale FPA for an abortion. They sent her to Dr. Ruben Marmet at the Long Beach FPA, where, despite the enormous high risks, FPA decided to go through with the abortion. Anush suffered uterine perforation, bled heavily and was sent across the street to Long Beach Memorial Hospital, where emergency surgery was performed. Neither Dr. Felkamp IV nor Dr. Marmet has medical staff privileges at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. Dr. Gene Parks, a Marina Del Rey abortionist, testified that FPA did not act below the standard of care and the court dismissed Anush’s lawsuit.


The Feldkamp family is widely known as belonging to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which has the following guidelines regarding abortion:

(1) Prenatal human life is a magnificent gift of God. God’s ideal for human beings affirms the sanctity of human life, in God’s image, and requires respect for prenatal life. However, decisions about life must be made in the context of a fallen world. Abortion is never an action of little moral consequence. Thus prenatal life must not be thoughtlessly destroyed. Abortion should be performed only for the most serious reasons. — General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Executive Committee at the Annual Council session in Silver Spring, Maryland, October 12, 1992.


The Loma Linda University School of Medicine displays the following statement in regard to abortion on its official website:

The practice of abortion is contrary to: The revealed, written Word of God. Respect for the sanctity of human life. Traditional, historical, and Judeo-Christian medical ethics. — Approved by the CMDS (Christian Medical and Dental Society) House of Delegates May 4, 1985.

The above is part of a series published on between 2011 and 2012.

© 2020 Center for the Documentation of the American Holocaust

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